The left lane, is for passing only. It is not legal to travel and drive on the left lane.
If you are driving on the left lane and the vehicle behind you is signaling and flashing with flashing lights, Do not ignore them, just change lanes so they get around you, please don’t intentionally and delay the driver behind you. Just return to the right lane and let it pass you safely.
Maybe he’s in a hurry, maybe he has an emergency, whatever….don’t do it intentionally to him, let him pass.
You park your car, make sure you park in one parking space and do not park in the middle and occupy two parking spaces.
Respect the other drivers and they will respect you.
The road is ours and we all need to respect the laws and know how to share it.
If you drink, do not drive.
Do not read or send texts while driving.
Respect other users using the road.